
Most of you reading this know exactly who I am and this page will be surplus to requirements. If, however, the reach of this website manages to extend beyond that of my my family and friends it would seem unwise to not introduce myself.

This page will give you a summary of how I got here!

Who am I

Born in rural Norther Ireland, I always admired those around me that could design and build…-

My Profession

I started Arnold Gilpin Associates Ltd. as a community based architect, planning and design company with my wife Lindsey. Although work was mainly undertaken in South West London, Bedfordshire and Cambridge, we did take on some larger projects within the rest of the UK and Ireland.

Energy efficient design was always at the core of what we did.

We designed

  • shops
  • pubs
  • restaurants
  • offices
  • houses

Our clients understood the real value and the lasting pleasure a well designed building gives them.